List of Revolutions in India

List of Revolutions in India


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  • Black Revolution               Related with Petroleum Production
  • Blue Revolution                 Related with Fish Production
  • Brown Revolution              Related with Leather , Cocoa
  • Golden Fiber                      Jute Production
  • Golden Revolution             Overall Horticulture, Honey fruit Production
  • Green Revolution               Agriculture
  • Grey Revolution                 Fertilizers
  • Pink Revolution                  Onions, Prawn 
  • Red Revolution                   Meat, Tomato
  • Evergreen Revolution         Intended for overall agriculture production growth
  • Round Revolution               Potato Production
  • Silver Fiber  Revolution     Cotton Production
  • Silver Revolution                Egg Production
  • White Revolution                Dairy Milk Production
  • Yellow Revolution              Oil seed Production
  • Round Revolution               Potato Production

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